Honesty! How being honest can get you out of trouble ?

Rmadi Med
2 min readApr 16, 2021


Just be honest, they say. Tell the truth, they say. While you’re typically praised for being honest, there are definitely times when just coming out with the truth ends up getting you into trouble. Sometimes, you wish you could just tell a little white lie or at least stretch the truth a little.

Have you ever told a lie and then forgotten the details about it? Sure, you may have been able to ad lib and thus save your butt for the time being, but lies tend to spiral outwards and have to be maintained with an even larger web of lies. These are incredibly tiring to maintain, and unless you want to carry a notebook with you in which you’ve written down the different fibs associated with the original lie, you’ll have a hard time keeping track of it all.

If you stick with the truth, it doesn’t matter how often you’re asked about the subject — you’ll always respond the same way, because you’re being honest about what really happened.

The Worst Truth is Better Than the Best Lie:

No matter how badly you think someone will react when you tell them something, you can rest assured that they will be a thousand times more upset if (or rather, when) they find out that you’d lied to them. Not only that, but sometimes the lie can cause much more dismay than honesty, like telling kids that their grandmother “went to sleep” instead of letting them know that she had died. If they’re young, they’ll end up terrified of going to bed for fear that they’ll never wake up again, and if they’re older, they’ll be furious with you for being patronising towards them.

Once Trust is Broken, It Can Never Be Fully Regained:

Although the words “I’m sorry” can ameliorate certain ugly situations, they can’t heal rifts or set things back to how they were before everything went to hell. If someone finds out that you’ve lied to them, they will never be able to fully trust you again. Ever. Even if you spend the rest of your life being a complete paragon of honesty and integrity, the person you lied to will always wonder if you’re being dishonest on some level. You can be sincere to your very marrow, but they won’t ever have true faith in you again.

Can you live with that?

There’s no such thing as a little white lie, and the fib that you tell another will inevitably come back around to bite you in the ass.

at the end to make you free and happy just dnt lie and be honest with all the people it will make you life without trouble and easy

